What is a fuse? Type of fuse
熔断器在低压配电网络中主要做短路保护用,亦可做电缆过载保护用。在通过熔断器的电流大于其规定值时,它将以本身产生的热量使熔体熔化而自动分断电路。 熔断器分为哪些类型? (1)按结构形式分类,可分为半开启式、 ...JEM电机引接线JEM电线JEM电缆
The fuse is mainly used for short circuit protection in low voltage distribution network, and can also be used for cable overload protection. When the current through the fuse is greater than its specified value, it will automatically split the circuit by melting the melt with the heat generated by it. What types are the fuses? (1) classified according to the structure form, it can be divided into half open,...
2017-11-2 09:40
2017-11-2 09:40
Selection of type and variety of cable bridge
电缆桥架型式及品种的选择电缆桥架分为槽式、托盘式和梯架式、网格式等结构,由支架、托臂和安装附件等组成。建筑物内桥架可以独立架设, 也可以附设在各种建(构)筑物和管廊支架上,应体现结构简单,造型美观、配置灵活和维修方便等特点,全部零件 ...JEM电机引接线JEM电线JEM电缆
Selection of cable tray cable bridge types and varieties into trough, tray type and ladder format, network structure, and is composed of a bracket, bracket and installation accessories etc.. The bridge in the building can be erected independently, and can also be attached to various kinds of building and pipe gallery supports. It should embody the characteristics of simple structure, beautiful appearance, flexible configuration and convenient maintenance.
2017-11-1 19:01
2017-11-1 19:01
Are you right in all kinds of field CAN signals?
工业现场CAN信号的各种地你接对了吗? 工业现场CAN环境复杂多变,工程师面对信号的杂、乱、差却是束手无策,追根溯源对于信号的各种地你接对了吗? CAN总线以其高可靠性、实时性、灵活性以及严谨的数据处理机制等特点,在工业现场和汽车行业得到广 ...
Are you right in all kinds of field CAN signals? The CAN environment in the industrial field is complex and changeable. Engineers are helpless in the face of the miscellaneous, chaotic and poor signals. CAN bus is widely used in industrial field and automobile industry for its high reliability, real-time, flexibility and strict data processing mechanism.
2017-11-1 18:26
2017-11-1 18:26
How to sure the 380V AC contactor coil by the pointer multimeter
在交流接触器带电情况时,测量电压,此时要把万用表打在交流电压的位置上(带V~的符号位置上),量程选择500V就可以量出电压值了。如果没有通电的情况下,就要测量交流接触器是否导通,这是要把万用表打到测量电阻档 ...
When the AC contactor is electrified, the voltage is sured. At this time, the multimeter should be placed on the AC voltage location (with the symbol position of V~), and the voltage range can be sured by selecting 500V. If there is no electricity, it is necessary to sure the conduction of the AC contactor, which is to beat the multimeter to the suring resistance gear.
2017-11-1 07:18
2017-11-1 07:18
Rules to be followed in drawing electrical schematics
绘制电气原理图时需遵循的规则电气原理图目的是便于阅读和分析控制线路,应根据结构简单、层次分明清晰的原则,采用电器元件展开形式绘制。它包括所有电器元件的导电部件和接线端子,但并不按照电器元件的实际布置位置来绘制,也不反映电器元件的 ...
The rule of electrical schematic diagram for drawing electrical schematic diagram is for easy reading and analyzing control circuit. It should be drawn according to the principle of simple structure and clear and clear hierarchy. It includes all the electrical components and terminals of the electrical components, but it doesn't draw according to the actual location of the electrical components, nor does it reflect the electrical components.
2017-10-31 20:36
2017-10-31 20:36
Working principle of switch transformer
开关变压器工作原理 对于开关电源,开关变压器的工作原理与普通变压器的工作原理是不同的。普通变压器输入的交流电压或电流的正、负半周波形都是对称的,并且输入电压和电流波形一般都是连续的,在一个周期之内,输入电压和电流的平 ...
The working principle of the switching transformer is different from the operating principle of the switching transformer and the working principle of the common transformer. The positive and negative half cycle waveform of AC voltage or current input in common transformers is symmetrical, and the input voltage and current waveforms are generally continuous. In a cycle, the input voltage and current level are flat.
2017-10-31 20:35
2017-10-31 20:35
What is the difference between the first, two and three class distribution boxes
一级、二级和三级配电箱有什么区别临时用电就是在某个地方施工需要用电,临时搭建的变电所用电设备。再由各级配电箱分支到各个用电现场。配电箱分为三种一级配电箱、二级配电箱、三级配电箱。一级配电箱就是从变压器引入三相电源,地线,零线。一级配 ...
What's the difference between the first, two and three power distribution boxes? The temporary electricity is the electricity used in a certain place. Then the distribution box at all levels will be branched into each power supply site. The distribution box is divided into three primary distribution boxes, two level distribution boxes and three level distribution boxes. The primary distribution box is to introduce three phase power, ground wire and zero line from transformer. A gradation...